Copper oxychloride 35% WP


A bactericide and fungicide for the control of various diseases on a wide range of crops

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A bactericide and fungicide for the control of various diseases on a wide range of crops


Info Sheet

Direction For Use

Direction For Use
Crop Disease Pathogen Dosage Recomandation


Peach Leaf Curl

Taphrina deformans

2 kg/1000

After losing 75% of the leaves in autumn and the s


Citrus gummosis

Phytophthora spp.


When the disease was observed

Date palm

Khamedj or inflorescence rot

Mauginiella scattae

2 kg/ 1000

In early spring before opening inflorescences


Vegetable downy mildew

Pseudoperonospora spp

1-2 kg/ha

When the disease was observed


Tomato downy mildew

Phytophthora infestans

3 kg/1000

According to the forecast


Potato downy mildew

Phytophthora infestans

3 kg/1000

According to the forecast

Pome Fruits

Fire blight

Erwinia amylovora

2-3 kg/1000


Walnut Blight

Xanthomonas arboricola pv. Juglandis

3-4 kg/1000

Stone fruits

Bacterial canker

Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae

3 kg/1000

1) after the falling leaves in the fall, 2) in the


Almond The red leaf blotch disease

Polystigma ochraceum

3 kg/1000

The first time two weeks after petal fall,The next


Walnut anthracnose

Gnomonia leptostyla (Marssoniella juglandis )

3 kg/1000

The first time: after loss male flowers, the secon


Citrus bacterial canker

Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri

1 kg/1000


olive peacock spot

Spilocaea oleaginea

3 kg/1000

Spraying before rainfall

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