

Ceratinex as food attractant for selective attraction of both sexes of fruit flies belong to Tehritidae (Produced by Econex, Spain)

SKU: aps3 Category: Tag:

Ceratinex as food attractant for selective attraction of both sexes of fruit flies belong to Tehritidae family specially Ceratitis genus (such as C. capitata) and Bactrocera genus (such as B. oleae), in tablet form. Put approximately 4 or 5 tablets in 250 cc of water, in a Ceratrap or Mcphail trap. Hang the trap from a branch of tree in suitable height. The user can adapt the number of traps/ha depending on their needs and characteristics of the agricultural land. This product has longer durability than the other products in Iran market. Packing: 1, 5 and 10 Kg


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